Saturday, November 12, 2011

We Remember... Or fifth Disaster?

November 11, 2011 - Vancouver, Canada (11-11-11)

It's Remembrance Day in Canada today. We remember the two wars in the last century and many lives given to save lives.

Today is also 8th month day since the March 11 triple disasters happened in Fukushima. 8 months.
"Fifth Disaster in Fukushima" (Fukushima Minyu News - July 25, 2011)
This is the worst natural disaster Japan has experienced in several centuries. The nuclear crisis in Fukushima in addition to the earthquake and the tsunami marks the worst national crisis in Japan since the WW II. This local newspaper captured the sentiment of local people in Fukushima as the forth and fifth disasters: 

First, there was an earthquake;
Second, a massive tsunami followed;
Third, a major nuclear crisis began; 
Forth, rumors of radiation fear swept the wounded hearts again;
Fifth, the world has moved on. The victims are left behind, forgotten. 

In this very moment in Fukushima (November 12th, Saturday), the Japanese Government opened the crippled Fukushima Dai-ichi for one day to media journalists from all over Japan and some foreign media as well. We will be able to see and hear more about the disaster again soon in the news, but the real question is this: How long will this suffering continue?

We remember... Truth matters.

That's one big lesson from Chernobyl after 25 years. I found this interesting piece on Chernobyl on You Tube - Chernobyl Memoirs.

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